Building on a legacy

18 Jun

You may be familiar with the term “godfather”.  Here is a definition:  A man who is influential in a movement or organization; by providing support / through playing a leading or innovative part in it.

Last month, I had the privilege in attending a conference for small group pastors from across North America.   One of the highlights was meeting with the “godfather of modern-day small groups – Lyman Coleman.  From the 70’s and beyond he was instrumental in re-introducing churches to intentional community.   I recall going to one of his training days in Waterloo during the 80’s and being amazed at how quickly he could get total strangers to be open and honest with each other (building trust ) so that God could work in their hearts through Scripture and the Holy Spirit.    If you have been part of a church-based small group in your past – Lyman had a part in that!Image

Lyman continues to be active at 84. His heart still burns with passion for God’s people.    It was his story of how he was impacted by the Navigators that struck me.  He shared that he was a young Christian studying at Biola University with other Navigator young men in a small group, when Dawson Trotman, (founder of the Navigators), came to the campus.  At that time, their small group was already serious about following Jesus as they were being transformed through intentionally spending time in God’s Word, being accountable to each other and through prayer.  Dawson challenged each man to be a laborer in God’s harvest – and he asked Lyman to be God’s man in Oklahoma – because that is where Dawson needed someone to work.   Lyman finished his year at Biola and began discipling men in Oklahoma.   From there he was called to help with the Billy Graham Crusades and their follow-up of new believers.   Eventually God called Lyman to equip local churches to make disciples through small groups.  He has had a profound effect, a legacy that began with the influence of The Navigators.

Over the past while I have been meditating on Romans 12:4-5 – For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

What does “belonging” mean to you?  It’s human nature to want to belong to a group/family.    However, this passage speaks of an interdependence that is accountable to others – that assumes others will participate in the mission.  Each member is valued and cared for, but also the expectation is that you and others will speak into another’s life.

Lyman’s understanding of belonging included his willingness to being called out by another in the Body, to participate in the bigger story God has for each of us.   When he did that – it set him on a trajectory that God used to influence and transform an amazing number of people.

That legacy continues.

Through the Small Groups Network (SGN), a ministry of The Navigators – this spring there have been multiple opportunities to equip over 200 small group leaders and ministry point leaders.   More than 35 churches from as far away as Quebec attended one of three conferences we sponsored.   Those leaders represent individuals who are able to speak into and influence over 6000 individuals who are traveling varying spiritual journeys.

Would you pray with me that we influence leaders to have the same vision of “belonging” as God calls us to?

The Measure of Our Success : An Impassioned plea to pastors

8 Mar

Shawn Lovejoy’s book – Measure of our Success focuses on what really matters, and what needs to be the true measure of success in ministry.

I read most of this book while traveling to a pastors retreat. I would be one of the few non-vocational pastors in our group that week. I had brought along a number of books to read, but somehow this book drew me in. Maybe it was because I had recently been speaking to a pastor friend who was disillusioned with the church.


Author Shawn Lovejoy shares his own battle with the “standard measurements” of ministry success. Things like busy-ness and being driven; the need for affirmation from others; the numbers game; the program focus; the three unhealthy Cs of comparing, of copying, and of condemning ministry work.


The author then redefines what true success could be about:

  • Spiritual, emotional, relational, intellectual, and physical vitality
  • People are our ministry – Loving them is our tapestry.
  • Teamwork with people of character, care, clarity, conviction, and culture
  • Willingness to pay the price to obey God rather than human preferences
  • Dealing constructively with all kinds of criticisms
  • Preventative measures to avoid burnout and leaving

Lovejoy focuses on what really matters, and what needs to be the true measure of success in ministry. Instead of numerical growth, focus on conversion growth, especially baptism. Leaders need to invest their time with a few and go deep rather than an inch deep with. I also appreciated his thinking that the Church is not the hope for the world. It is Christ alone. At the end of each chapter are some excellent reflection questions.

“Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing n exchange for an honest review.”

Art of Neighboring

4 Jan

Art of Neighboring  Building genuine relationships right outside your door. New authours Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon have written a book I found to be very helpful to me personally and I know will help you!

If you live in a typical suburban neighborhood like me – you may know one neighbor well enough to have a conversation on a regular basis (once or twice a week), another neighbor you may talk a couple times a month and then others who you may know only their first name. The rest of your neighbors – you may feel well-connected enough to give them a quick wave as they drive by your car as you drive by their’s!  We live in a hectic world  – everyone living very busy lives – who has time for neighbors?

So what happened to Jesus’ command? Maybe Jesus meant neighbors to include – my literal neighbors! Pathak and Runyan presents a renewed vision of loving your neighbour that takes into context our busy urban-based lives. Loving your neighbor the way its presented here in this book is very much a Kingdom action.

As you read through this very inspiring and practical book you will receive simple and what I see as effective tools to encourage your steps to engage with your neighbors in small yet meaningful ways. Each action step is very doable and non-threatening.

It is very telling that the authours have been influenced and mentored by solid missional leaders such as Hugh Halter, Eric Swanson and Randy Frazee. I would highly recommend this book for church leaders looking for ways to help their people move out into the community.

“Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing n exchange for an honest review.”


18 Dec

“I am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor. People like you and I. The authentic stories featured in the book and on provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled. You’ll discover people who’ve tried to go it alone and have failed.


Each story ends with the person finding the hope, peace, and fulfillment In Jesus. He became First in their life and they Second.


This is a wonderful tool to give to anyone struggling in their life. Each story is well written, honest and compelling. While not every story will connect to the reader – there will be stories that will. Who hasn’t dealt with rejection, self-destructive behaviours, hard times and the need to control? I was drawn to certain stories and then went to their website for additional testimonies of God’s grace.


Also liked the simple black/ white style of the book and videos. Very understated which allows the story and the evident power of God in that person’s life to shine through.


“Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Thomas Nelson n exchange for an honest review.”

Grace – More than we deserve, greater than we imagine

30 Nov


Max Lucado’s new book on an oft discussed topic says this about grace: “Here’s my hunch: we’ve settled for wimpy grace. It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. … Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.”
I have a sense as I read through Grace is that Max feels western Christians have for the most part not really been fully impacted by God’s grace in such a manner that its affected huge changes in their everyday lives. This is evident as we often see judgementalism, legalism and works-oriented living seep into our lives as individuals and churches. 

Max writes a book that tries to illustrate the life-transforming power of God’s grace to affect every aspect of our day and life. One of the better chapters in the book is on confession. Max relates how he had to confess to a sin that he tried to keep private. It was through confessing that sin to God and others- that he experienced God’s grace and healing.

If you are familiar with Lucado’s writing style – Grace will not disappoint. Easy to read and understand. Full of illustrations from real life and the bible. My only critique would be the wish that Lucado would have leaned to stronger and bolder language to illustration his main points.
I really appreciated the readers guide at the back of the book.  It can used for a group study or for individual reflection.  There is also a DVD curriculum based on the book.

“Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Thomas Nelson n exchange for an honest review.”

DISCIPLE! Conference

12 Sep


Is there any greater joy than to see “Christ formed” in a new believer in Christ? I wa s  reminded of this phrase Paul wrote to the Galatian Church, “my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is for med in you!” (Galatians 3:19). Of course I have never personally given birth physically, but it has been my unsurpassed privilege and delight to see individuals come to faith in Jesus and to co-labour with God’s Spirit to see Jesus “formed” in these brothers and sisters. 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks to the potential and reality of spiritual transformation:

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

I am involved with my Navigator colleagues in planning a series of three Discipleship/Disciplemaking conferences for the this fall through early spring of next year. The first is titled, “The Adventure of Discipling Others in Your Faith Community & Relational Networks” on November 3 in Kitchener. There will be a variety of workshops offered including one lead by Nuke Shim on “Spiritual Parenting: Helping Christians Grow” in Chinese and English. More information and registration details are on our website:

We request your prayers for a life-changing day in inspiring and equipping those in attendance to more effectively disciple those God entrusts to us all; for our presenters to be examples of all we teach and for the Holy Spirit to help us in our preparation and presentations.

If you are in southern Ontario please consider joining us for the day and inviting others to do the same.


A Place at the Table

16 Jul


it is easy to ignore the poor around us. We get caught up in acquiring, buying, eating. Our society and overall culture is based on consuming. Yet the more stuff we consume, it seems the more our lives become less satisfying.

A Place at the Table: 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor invites you on a journey of self-reflection, discipline, and renewed focus on Jesus that can change your life. Author Chris Seay is giving you a challenge: eat and drink like the poor for 40 days and donate the money you save on groceries to a charity or project that serves the poor in concrete ways.

According to Chris Seay “The primary reason why we struggle so deeply to be transformed into the character of Christ is likely because so often, instead of living with humility and vulnerability, we are busy chasing power and prestige.”

After some introductory chapters on sharing, gratitude, fasting and feasting, the book provides daily readings with meditations for 40 “fast” days interspersed with 7 “feast” days. Each of the 40 fast days also includes a brief description of a person living in poverty, usually associated with a Compassion project or a Living Water International project. Many of the daily readings are from Exodus, giving the reader plenty of opportunity to consider the Israelites’ reliance on God for their daily food.

The author is open and honest about his weaknesses and failures with his readers, who will likely face their own weaknesses and failures during their 40-day fast. He ends each reading with a prayer and a brief, touching story of a child or an adult in need from some of the poorest places on earth, along with suggestions for ways to pray for the person. You will likely be inspired, convicted and encouraged as you experience these daily excercises.  You will also re-consider your daily choices in the light of God’s  concern for the poor and our role in caring for them.

“This book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.”

One Life

23 Mar


I like a lot of what Scot McKnight writes. I enjoy his blog  which is named after his popular book – Jesus Creed.. I’ve read his books the Blue Parakeet and more recently The King Jesus Gospel. Scot is able to take big theological ideas and make them understandable, clear, accessible to everyone and practical.

In One Life – the big idea he works through is: What is a Christian? A Christian is someone who follows Jesus. That’s the simple definition he begins with and then adds to.

Scot brings his practical insight to bear on the question of what it should actually look like to follow Jesus and walk in the Kingdom that Christ announced. At the core of the book is the notion that life in Christ’s kingdom demands the full commitment of your one life. It was never intended to be a part-time or compartmentalized. Jesus did not call his followers to individual salvation so that they can be engrossed in private acts of piety that have no effect on the world.  Being a Christian includes that but it’s much more.

Scot touches on a wide variety of beliefs, thoughts and behaviors that form the contours of the Christian life. Things such as imagination, love, justice, peace, wisdom, church sex, vocation  and eternity – examining each in a kingdom light.

Throughout each chapter Scot presents the Christian life in fresh language that will help followers of all ages realize and understand what it means to follow Jesus. Not only that, but the scores of examples, anecdotes and practical suggestions throughout makes this book accessible and relevant than other books on this topic. Because he is a prof at a university his examples tend to be those with young adults struggling with faith and life. I found that helpful realizing he is constantly interacting with a post-modern and post-Christian generation – and that following Jesus like we (the North American church) have been doing will not attract them to Jesus. It was a good wake-up call for myself.

For Jesus the kingdom meant God’s dream for this world come true” p.28
A large premise of the book rides on Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God within the context of the Jewish understanding of ‘kind, land and citizens’ (p.30). Echoing the work of his book King Jesus Gospel , N.T. Wright and others, Scot sees the goal of Israel and its coming king as providing blessing to all nations, regardless of ethnicity. Jesus’ message was therefore radical to his hearers, for it called for a new order to dawn upon the present age of Roman rule. Yet, as McKnight indicates the end point of the kingdom was to be God’s dream society on Earth (p.32).  The message of the kingdom is not to be isolated from the blessing of God upon the whole nations. As followers of Jesus, we are not to isolate ourselves from the prevailing culture, but to engage it as Jesus did and taught. God’s blessing does not end with the coming of Jesus, but is inaugurated in a new paradigm.   

What impacted me most is that One Life sees Christianity in the lives of its believers as providing a call that encompasses all of life (not segregated to morality or petty rules). If we are not caught up with the dream of Jesus, following His teaching and life, then are caught up in a vision counter to His call.

His final definition of what is a Christian incorporates the elements of the One.Life:
A Christian is one who follows Jesus by devoting his or her One.Life to the kingdom of God, fired by Jesus’ own imagination , to a life of loving God and loving others, and to a society shaped by justice, especially for those who have been marginalized, to peace, and to a life devoted to acquiring wisdom in the context of a local church. This life can only be empowered by God’s Spirit. (P.106)

This book will help bring clarity to the North American church on what it means to be a disciple and follower of Jesus. I believe most churches have a poor understanding and picture of what a disciple should look like and how to make them. The book is an excellent tool for church leaders and those serious about living and passing on their life with Jesus.

I am going through the book once again with a friend and wished there were discussion/ reflection questions at the end of each chapter – however I know there will be more than enough talking points to guide our journey!

Bruce Cockburn – Postmodern Psalmist

9 Mar


Being a fan of Christian music and a Canadian from the boomer gen – one could not ignore the music artistry of Bruce Cockburn over the past three decades. I recall attending one of his concerts as a young adult and even though I was familiar with his music because I owned and played his records (vinyl – really!) I was struck anew by his lyrics. They were creative, other-worldly and imaginative! 

That’s why I was excited to hear about Kicking at the Darkness: Bruce Cockburn and the Christian Imagination. Brian Walsh describes Cockburn as a postmodern psalmist. This book is  part commentary on Cockburn’s lyrics and part theological treatise. Walsh covers Cockburn’s works using these four questions:
1.    “Where are we? What is the nature of the world in which we find ourselves?”
2.    “Who are we? What does it mean to be human?”
3.    “What’s Wrong? What is the source of brokenness, violence, hatred, and evil in life?”
4.    “What’s the remedy? How do we find a path through this brokenness to healing? What is the resolution to the evil in which we find ourselves?”

Overall there is much to appreciate about the book, but if you are not a fan of Bruce Cockburn, I don’t believe you will make the effort to get past the first few chapters as the style of writing is more “academic textbook” than “read at the beach/cottage”. However, I  agree with Walsh as he describes Cockburn’s music as “prophetic art…a subversive genre that cracks the pavement of the status quo”.  The world needs more Bruce Cockburn’s and Kicking the Darkness illustrates why!

“This book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.”

Truth Unlocked about Islam

9 Mar


The Muslim population of Canada will triple over the next two decades, reaching 2.7 million by 2030. The y are approaching a million today and they live in our neighbourhoods and go to our schools. In many urban areas, Muslims make up more than 10% of the population. Do you see Islam as a threat or an opportunity to share Christ?

I would classify myself as someone who feels somewhat threatened by their growing presence, mainly because of the media’s portrayal of the Islamic extremist movement. But that does not fit my real life experiences with my Muslim neighbour down the street. He’s friendly enough and we have had some good conversations.

Over the last couple of months I have gone through Truth Unlocked, which is a six session Canadian-produced video-based study that will change the way you think about Islam and Muslims in North America. This DVD will equip you to understand and reach out to your Muslim neighbour. This is a must have for anyone who wants to know more about Muslims in a North American context.

Some of the strengths of this quality series:
•    informs a Christian what they need to know in order to understand Muslims about their faith. It will also give you confidence to stay away from religious and cultural “landmines” that can derail an encounter.
•    former Muslim’s are prominent throughout the series, giving a personal account of the Muslim faith and how to best reach them. An extra DVD includes testimonies from former Muslims that will inspire and instruct.
•    Nothing in this series is meant to rouse controversy. It respects Muslims, but doesn’t shy away from the fact Christianity and Islam are significantly different.
•    It is so well done, you will want to re-watch the series again as I and many others done.

Here is another endorsement:
“Our group is doing the Truth Unlocked DVD series and we are greatly enjoying it. I’ve never seen our group so excited about a study and the conversation after each viewing is exceptional. You can see the perceptions changing about Muslims and how we CAN make a difference. Many have commented that they could watch them again and again as there’s so much there and they are learning so much. The quality and content are superb. I don’t know of any other resource out there that is as impactful as this series.” – Linda